Sustainably promoting personal devel­opment and performance

A profes­sional consulting and support process

We under­stand coaching as a profes­sional consulting and support process, through which the profes­sional and personal devel­opment and perfor­mance of the coachee is sustainably promoted. We work with appro­priate and scien­tif­i­cally proven methods in a strictly solution-oriented way. For the benefit of all those involved in the coaching process.

Through targeted questions, struc­tured dialogues, situation-specific inter­ven­tions, and concrete feedback, you as a coachee are stimu­lated to new thought processes, which open up new possi­bil­ities for action, activate your potential, and optimize your individual resources.

We work with the following 

coaching formats

Executive Coaching

Our executive coaching uses systemic and solution-focused coaching as proven methods and aims to improve your leadership and management skills.


EMDR coaching helps you to cope with stress and difficult situa­tions such as stage fright, blackout or anxiety.

Team Coaching

As a neutral partner, we offer you super­vision, collegial consulting, and team devel­opment in your subject areas.

Selection of possible topics

  • Dealing with different role requirements
  • Problems in strategic and opera­tional management
  • Dealing with (un)desired changes
  • Conflicts of commu­ni­cation and coöperation
  • Stress management and prevention / resilience
  • Presen­tation and exami­nation anxiety
  • Inter­cul­tural conflicts
  • Motivation deficits
  • Personal devel­opment
  • For further topics, please contact us

Your advan­tages

  • Develop more effective ideas, beliefs, and inner attitude
  • Gain clarity about solutions, goals and your position on them
  • (Re-)activation of resources, capac­ities, and internal forces
  • Find better alter­na­tives for your approach
  • Dealing with conflicts in a more constructive way

Our coaching sessions are as short as possible and as long as necessary:

Coaching can be limited to a few sessions, but also be project-based, part-time or over a longer period of time if desired.