Focus on the optimization of content, processes and communication

Coaching | Training | Consulting

Optimization along the entire value chain of companies

For us, consulting is organi­za­tional advisory with a focus on content, process, and commu­ni­cation optimization that takes your entire value chain into account.

Focuses of our consulting work


Innovation and strategies, digiti­zation, VUCA, changing customer expec­ta­tions and behaviour, value chains and much more.


Strategy devel­opment, organi­za­tional devel­opment, change processes, interface optimization, internal coöper­ation and much more. 


Commu­ni­cation of changes and processes, creation of accep­tance, change of perspective, involvement, and partic­i­pation of shareholders

Selection of possible topics

  • Use of classic, agile and hybrid project management approaches
  • Interface optimization between departments
  • Management of change processes
    (Change Management)
  • More efficient inter­action between departments
  • Strategic goal setting and imple­men­tation of mission statement development
  • Devel­opment and imple­men­tation of Assessment Centers

Your advan­tages

  • Through our integration into the HLPgroup, profes­sional consul­tants from various indus­tries and disci­plines with inter­na­tional experience are at your side